Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gifting Cash and other Scams

I suppose I am old school. I don't like to blame other people for the mistakes that I make, nor do I want to play the victim card either. I try and be responsible for my own decisions and choices and if I make one that turns out not be such a great idea...well, I try and chalk it up to gaining more wisdom, more experience and move on. One thing for sure, I am tired of people doing something as an adult and when things don't work out - and I guarantee you that it is because they don't do the work or don't do it correctly - they want to blame everyone else.

Gifting cash is very popular today, as it has been for quite a few years now. I realize that in some blogging camps it is a popular thing to talk down different cash gifting programs, to talk about how it is illegal to gift cash and how the "Man" will come and throw you in jail.

While I realize that there are unscrupulous types out there in the cash gifting arena, I also realize that there are many unscrupulous types in all business. This does not mean that all businesses and business people are unethical or are trying to take as many people as they can for their life savings. That is a ridiculous claim.

I remember back in the 70's and 80's when Multi-level marketing companies were looming around to take your last dollar. I remember the nay sayers then. I remember how people screamed that Amway was just a bunch of jerks trying to get into grandma's pocket book and yet, today almost every MLM that is out there is in some way or another modeled after Amway. The same thing goes for franchises and yet, many people today would think of that as a safe business opportunity, even though entrepreneurs still fail at these "safe bets."

Internet scams do exist and they will exist tomorrow as well, but not all work from home opportunities are evil. Cash gifting is not evil, although some are not marketed properly and I will admit, it only takes one bad apple to make the whole tree look rotten.

Before you decide that anything is a scam, you may want to do your own research and come up with an answer on your own. Have you ever noticed that most people criticizing gifting programs are peddling something of their own? Wonder what the success rates are for those businesses? Probably the same as money gifting opportunities, MLM's, franchises and other "evil" business opportunities.

For more information, check out

Internet Marketing for DummiesSocial Media Marketing For DummiesCash Gifting In's and Out's.A Modern Approach to an Age Old Activity.

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