I remember when I was young, which was a while back, and my parents talked about where they were when President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. I remember hearing my uncles and their generation talk of the day that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, HI. So now my generation has their own I remember where I was story to tell.
I do remember where I was the day some freakin' lunatics ran planes into the world trade center towers. I was working that morning in a small town in Texas. I was installing a new sewer line for an apartment complex when a friend showed up telling me that a plane had crashed into one of the towers in New York. It wasn't until a few moments later, when we heard on the news that another plane had hit the other tower that we both realized it was not an accident.
For the rest of the day we sat in front of our televisions watching history unfold. While we both figured that there would be some sort of response, never did we realize the path that we were on at that time. To us, there was no problem at all for our country to seek those that were responsible and "taking care of" that problem. To this day I have no problem what so ever in fighting for freedom and fighting against tyranny.
On this anniversary, I always try and remember those that died on that tragic day as well as the men and women that have died since. I realize that all of the actions we have taken since that time may not have been the best course of action, but I also realize that I do not have all of the information in front of me to make any determination at all.
When I think of the mindset behind the bombing of the world trade center, I must admit that I don't get it. I did not, nor do I now, immerse myself in foreign policy, but I do know something of history and what I see now only disgusts me. I realize that there is a fine line between seeking retribution and revenge. A fine line between getting justice and getting even. I am not a religious man, but believe that all people have the right to believe what they feel is right, however, I will defend no person that through their very self-righteous belief that it is their way or the highway. I will fight that sort of extremist view whether it is from a Christian church or an Islamic mosque.
In the end, I hope that all people can decide to get along with one another and accept each other for who they are, but if that doesn't work, I will be standing ready to defend my belief in my constitution and my country. I will stand with those that seek freedom. If I die for this, then so be it; at least I will have a choice in that matter, unlike those that died when cowards drove planes into their offices in New York.
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