Economic Relief
With the economy continuing to flounder there continues to be a need to find an alternative sources of creating additional income. While the gifting activity is not considered a business that generates income, the best gifting programs can be viable systems that can help you in terms of providing additional income relief. The key is learning which programs you should be looking for as all are not the same.
Whether you love the cash gifting activity or you hate it, gifting programs are here to stay. If you are interested in really getting good information about a good gifting program, then you will need to do your research. You will also want to develop some criterion in establishing what elements are contained within a program.
Critical Elements of Cash Gifting Programs
Basically, there are 3 main elements that I look for in the best gifting programs out there. The first is the simplicity of the program. Cash gifting is a simple activity and is pretty much made up of like-minded people that believe genuine gifting is rewarded. People spread the word of their particular activity to others and additional gifts are provided. If you are better at promoting this idea or activity, then you will be rewarded for your efforts by receiving gifts from other members.
Another element of gifting is the website system. There are very few programs out there that do not provide a website for their members. The best gifting programs have their own website systems as well. These systems include email capture pages, statistics pages and even an auto-responder with these sites.
Gifting websites for the types of programs also customizable to a certain extent. Some offer differently themed pages and depending on the campaign you are working on, you may want to set up a page that is more family oriented, just depends on what you are looking for.
Marketing Is Where It's At
In my opinion, no matter how good your cash gifting program is, the bottom line is are you going to be able to effectively market this opportunity to others. The bottom line here is this, if you are effective at promoting your site or program, then your results will be significantly better than those that do not market their program as effectively. When it comes to doing anything online, marketing is king.
The best gifting programs will take marketing into consideration and will offer training to their members. Some will have marketing and advertising strategies as well as training concerning setting up your own domain name and creating unique content.
In the end, when you are looking for a good program, you will want to make sure that you consider these elements of the best gifting programs and you will want to make sure that you are associating yourself with them. In the end, your success is up to you. Make sure that you put yourself in a position with the right program to become successful.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Remembering 9/11
I remember when I was young, which was a while back, and my parents talked about where they were when President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. I remember hearing my uncles and their generation talk of the day that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, HI. So now my generation has their own I remember where I was story to tell.
I do remember where I was the day some freakin' lunatics ran planes into the world trade center towers. I was working that morning in a small town in Texas. I was installing a new sewer line for an apartment complex when a friend showed up telling me that a plane had crashed into one of the towers in New York. It wasn't until a few moments later, when we heard on the news that another plane had hit the other tower that we both realized it was not an accident.
For the rest of the day we sat in front of our televisions watching history unfold. While we both figured that there would be some sort of response, never did we realize the path that we were on at that time. To us, there was no problem at all for our country to seek those that were responsible and "taking care of" that problem. To this day I have no problem what so ever in fighting for freedom and fighting against tyranny.
On this anniversary, I always try and remember those that died on that tragic day as well as the men and women that have died since. I realize that all of the actions we have taken since that time may not have been the best course of action, but I also realize that I do not have all of the information in front of me to make any determination at all.
When I think of the mindset behind the bombing of the world trade center, I must admit that I don't get it. I did not, nor do I now, immerse myself in foreign policy, but I do know something of history and what I see now only disgusts me. I realize that there is a fine line between seeking retribution and revenge. A fine line between getting justice and getting even. I am not a religious man, but believe that all people have the right to believe what they feel is right, however, I will defend no person that through their very self-righteous belief that it is their way or the highway. I will fight that sort of extremist view whether it is from a Christian church or an Islamic mosque.
In the end, I hope that all people can decide to get along with one another and accept each other for who they are, but if that doesn't work, I will be standing ready to defend my belief in my constitution and my country. I will stand with those that seek freedom. If I die for this, then so be it; at least I will have a choice in that matter, unlike those that died when cowards drove planes into their offices in New York.
I do remember where I was the day some freakin' lunatics ran planes into the world trade center towers. I was working that morning in a small town in Texas. I was installing a new sewer line for an apartment complex when a friend showed up telling me that a plane had crashed into one of the towers in New York. It wasn't until a few moments later, when we heard on the news that another plane had hit the other tower that we both realized it was not an accident.
For the rest of the day we sat in front of our televisions watching history unfold. While we both figured that there would be some sort of response, never did we realize the path that we were on at that time. To us, there was no problem at all for our country to seek those that were responsible and "taking care of" that problem. To this day I have no problem what so ever in fighting for freedom and fighting against tyranny.
On this anniversary, I always try and remember those that died on that tragic day as well as the men and women that have died since. I realize that all of the actions we have taken since that time may not have been the best course of action, but I also realize that I do not have all of the information in front of me to make any determination at all.
When I think of the mindset behind the bombing of the world trade center, I must admit that I don't get it. I did not, nor do I now, immerse myself in foreign policy, but I do know something of history and what I see now only disgusts me. I realize that there is a fine line between seeking retribution and revenge. A fine line between getting justice and getting even. I am not a religious man, but believe that all people have the right to believe what they feel is right, however, I will defend no person that through their very self-righteous belief that it is their way or the highway. I will fight that sort of extremist view whether it is from a Christian church or an Islamic mosque.
In the end, I hope that all people can decide to get along with one another and accept each other for who they are, but if that doesn't work, I will be standing ready to defend my belief in my constitution and my country. I will stand with those that seek freedom. If I die for this, then so be it; at least I will have a choice in that matter, unlike those that died when cowards drove planes into their offices in New York.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Gifting Programs - Learn the Truth About Gifting Programs Online
Learn How a Plumber from Texas Used Gifting Programs to Stimulate His Own Economy and How You Can Do The Same
Be honest, how many times have you gone through the website on cash gifting or looked at the videos where the guy or gal with these FedEx packages and are pulling out all of this cash and wondered if gifting programs or a good gifting program could work for you? I mean, come on...these people are just getting stinkin', filthy rich and all they have to do is plug into some system that runs on its own! Who couldn't make money doing this???
The Truth About Gifting Programs
To be one hundred percent honest here, I must admit that I promote the cash gifting activity and have looked at many gifting programs that are still out there on the Internet. What I have found, for the most part, is that there are a lot of promises by a lot of people that may be or may not be making a dime with their program. What amazes me the most is that a lot of these programs probably could be a cash gifting system, but then some of these so called gurus come in and sort of screw it all up.
I must admit that when you look at the video of the guy pulling out hundred dollar bill after hundred dollar bill it is a bit hard to think that you couldn't make money too, but here is the catch. Most of these people aren't doing multiple packages like they show on their video everyday, I don't care what anyone says. The other thing that you have to realize is that many of these folks are professional Internet marketers that have been around for quite some time, may even have a list of a couple thousand (or more) opportunity seekers and are very good sales people.
You Can Make Money with Gifting Programs
Yes, you can make money with gifting programs, that is not a lie. Can you become wealthy with cash gifting? Absolutely, there is a strong possibility that you can do it, but I guarantee you that it will not be done on auto-pilot, nor will it be done while you are on your butt watching the latest episode of whatever junk you are watching.
The question that you have to decide is are you going to do what you need to do to make it work. Marketing online is not that difficult, but it is not necessarily easy either. Internet marketing, effective marketing, is a process and is something that you have to become very proficient with, perhaps even master, to find yourself at the top of the heap with this particular method of generating income or really any type of money generating program.
What Makes Gifting Different
For me, gifting was not a difficult choice. I market other things online including other money making programs or systems. I market affiliate products from different affiliate programs as well as making money with Google's adsense program. Utilizing different programs, for me, is what I find works the best. I don't put all of my eggs in one basket. Perhaps this is why I can talk about gifting programs the way that I do. I am not afraid not to make all of my revenue with this one particular type of system.
One thing that you need to remember is that cash gifting programs ARE different. Why are they different? First of all, just using the word "gifting" puts these types of programs into a different category. Because we use gifting there are certain things that we cannot do, or at least certain ways of promoting our activity. There can be no guarantees of profit and to maintain gifting as a true gifting program people must give without any expectation of receiving gifts for themselves.
While I don't have a problem with gifting at all, (I'm a big boy and can spend my own money on whatever nonsense I choose), some people do and therefore there are a lot of people out there critiquing gifting programs. I choose not to be a victim. If I never would have ever received a single gift, I would not going squealing to anyone. Many of these critics would close down every program out there because people are not "making money" the way they say they should be, but they fail to look at those that are the so-called victims. To be absolutely clear, I guarantee you that if you start a website and drive traffic to the website you will enrich your wallet. If you do not do the things required for success then you will never see a gift. This is not the programs problem, this is the problem of the person involved.
Final Thoughts on Gifting Programs
In the end, you are responsible for your success. This doesn't mean you do not need to find a good inviter/mentor. Someone on the inside that has had some success can teach you the techniques and strategies that you need to take to be successful with a gifting activity.
I also believe that the program makes a difference. There are several programs out there that are good programs. There are several programs out there that will do nothing but empty your wallet. I market The People's Program and this program has worked out very well for me. Will it work for you? If you do what is required, then I say yes.
Ultimately, your success is up to you. You are the one that decides to get involved. You are the one that decided to turn off that TV and do something positive for yourself. You are the one that develops the passion that you have to have to get through any hard times that WILL come up. I don't mind helping anyone, but I cannot and will not do it for them.
I challenge anyone to go to The People's Program, get information and decide whether it is for you or not. It may not be and that is fine. If it is something you think you would like to find out more about, send me a message and we'll go from there. Success is a choice, but so is failure. The question is, what do you choose?
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Cash Gifting Programs - Why Cash Gifting Programs Are Still Hot
Learn How to Double Your Income During the Worst Financial Times with Cash Gifting Programs
Anyone that pays attention to online money making programs will know that cash gifting programs are still everywhere and no matter how many there are out there that would like to see this rewarding activity disappear, the reality is that people are intrigued by cash gifting and are interested to know more. While I understand some people wanting to make sure that people aren't just throwing their hard-earned money away, the same can be said for any program out there, not just a cash gifting program.
How to Tell if a Cash Gifting Program is a Good One
Making money online is not as difficult as you may think, but I promise you it is not as easy as some would like you to believe. Whether you are involved with cash gifting programs or not doesn't really matter, it could be MLM/Network Marketing, some sort of self-improvement program or any of the garden variety recruiting type of businesses your success will be determined by how much time and effort you put into it.
As far as cash gifting programs are concerned, determining whether or not one is for you depends on what you are looking for. What I mean by this is that some people, those that may have quite a bit of Internet marketing experience, may be looking for an aggressive, high-end program that may not have the training information the way a program that is set up for a newbie type of marketer.
Marketing Good Cash Gifting Programs
When it comes to marketing online, there are a few things that I would recommend that you do. Before you start any type of campaign, you may want to get out a piece of paper and write out a strategy of sorts. This can include writing out goals, but what I am mainly writing about here is writing out a campaign strategy where you list the different marketing tactics that you are planning on implementing. This could include different forms of advertising, video, pay per click marketing (PPC), classified advertising, article writing, etc.
Once you have your strategy written out and organized, then it is simply a matter of putting your plan into action. For many, this seems to be the hardest
Not All Gifting Programs Are The Same
It's true, not all programs are equal. Some programs are just plain unethical and illegal. When I am speaking about looking for a program that is right for you, I am first and foremost talking about legitimate programs. What's the difference? You'd be amazed. Some programs are developed, by unethical thieves I'm sure, to do nothing other than take your money. You need to look out for cash gifting programs that promise the moon and the stars. You have to understand, no one can make you a guarantee that you will make money with gifting, as a matter of fact, no one can really guarantee your success in any program. What people can guarantee is their own involvement in your success. This is probably why your inviter to any cash gifting program needs to be able to teach you how to go about effective marketing.
Usually I am interested in about 3 or 4 marketing techniques and getting as good at those particular techniques as possible is my typical strategy when marketing anything. Cash gifting is unique though. First of all, the word gifting lends itself to all sorts of implied connotations. A gift is just that, a gift. When it comes to a gifting program there must be the understanding that money is given without the expectation of getting anything in return.
While no one in cash gifting will say it, I don't believe that there are many that see the advertising for a gifting program and not think about receiving gifts themselves. This is just human nature, but I am telling you right now that if you are giving with the thought of making a ton of money or of securing a position that is required so that you in turn can receive gifts you are starting off on the wrong path. This is no different than the tithing techniques described in the Bible and I can tell you from experience, even though I am not particularly religious, that tithing works. Giving, in the right frame of mind, will always come back to you. There are certain universal laws out there that work for anyone, hence the term universal, and the act of giving and receiving go hand in hand with the law of attraction.
Gifting Programs Do Work
A lot has been said about gifting programs. Many articles are out there talking about how these types of programs do not work and yet we see many different videos out there of people receiving numerous gifts in the mail. Nothing like seeing that FedEx guy pulling up to the house, you won't ever again wonder what they are bringing! Although there are some marketers that put together programs that were nothing more than glorified ponzi schemes or chain letters, gifting today is different. Can you "expect" to receive gifts? Not from your act of giving. You can only "expect" to receive gifts if you do the work and do it effectively and proficiently. This is all about successful marketing on nothing more.
As far as finding a good program, there are only a couple out there that I recommend. One is The People's Program and this is one of the programs that I market and I like this program for those just getting started with gifting and marketing online. The reason is that I like some of the training tools that TPP offer. I also like the fact that if you don't know anything about advertising online then there are forums for you to visit and training tools for this as well. TPP has its own capture page and auto-responder that the members can use.
All in all, The People's Program is one of my favorites. I'm not saying that there aren't other programs out there that are good, but this is one of my favorites right now.
The Bottom Line
To sum it all up, cash gifting programs do work. Do they work for everyone? They can, the problem is usually everyone do not work the program or take the time to learn how to market, or quit before any real results begin to appear. Making money online programs have a high rate of failure. This is not something unique to cash gifting although you would expect as much if you read all of the things the critics suggest.
What I would do is study all of the information I could get my hands on, maybe include a few other money making programs and try and make the most informed decision I could. If you are not willing to work, or if you truly believe that there is an easy and fast way to create wealth, then I suggest you go somewhere else. Making money online is quite possible. Good cash gifting programs can help you reach your financial goals, but this will not come overnight. There is no such thing as a get-rich-quick program so stop looking for them. If you want to really learn about cash gifting and are seriously interested in getting involved with a program then I suggest you go to The People's Program and learn more.
Once you have your strategy written out and organized, then it is simply a matter of putting your plan into action. For many, this seems to be the hardest
Not All Gifting Programs Are The Same
It's true, not all programs are equal. Some programs are just plain unethical and illegal. When I am speaking about looking for a program that is right for you, I am first and foremost talking about legitimate programs. What's the difference? You'd be amazed. Some programs are developed, by unethical thieves I'm sure, to do nothing other than take your money. You need to look out for cash gifting programs that promise the moon and the stars. You have to understand, no one can make you a guarantee that you will make money with gifting, as a matter of fact, no one can really guarantee your success in any program. What people can guarantee is their own involvement in your success. This is probably why your inviter to any cash gifting program needs to be able to teach you how to go about effective marketing.
Usually I am interested in about 3 or 4 marketing techniques and getting as good at those particular techniques as possible is my typical strategy when marketing anything. Cash gifting is unique though. First of all, the word gifting lends itself to all sorts of implied connotations. A gift is just that, a gift. When it comes to a gifting program there must be the understanding that money is given without the expectation of getting anything in return.
While no one in cash gifting will say it, I don't believe that there are many that see the advertising for a gifting program and not think about receiving gifts themselves. This is just human nature, but I am telling you right now that if you are giving with the thought of making a ton of money or of securing a position that is required so that you in turn can receive gifts you are starting off on the wrong path. This is no different than the tithing techniques described in the Bible and I can tell you from experience, even though I am not particularly religious, that tithing works. Giving, in the right frame of mind, will always come back to you. There are certain universal laws out there that work for anyone, hence the term universal, and the act of giving and receiving go hand in hand with the law of attraction.
Gifting Programs Do Work
A lot has been said about gifting programs. Many articles are out there talking about how these types of programs do not work and yet we see many different videos out there of people receiving numerous gifts in the mail. Nothing like seeing that FedEx guy pulling up to the house, you won't ever again wonder what they are bringing! Although there are some marketers that put together programs that were nothing more than glorified ponzi schemes or chain letters, gifting today is different. Can you "expect" to receive gifts? Not from your act of giving. You can only "expect" to receive gifts if you do the work and do it effectively and proficiently. This is all about successful marketing on nothing more.
As far as finding a good program, there are only a couple out there that I recommend. One is The People's Program and this is one of the programs that I market and I like this program for those just getting started with gifting and marketing online. The reason is that I like some of the training tools that TPP offer. I also like the fact that if you don't know anything about advertising online then there are forums for you to visit and training tools for this as well. TPP has its own capture page and auto-responder that the members can use.
All in all, The People's Program is one of my favorites. I'm not saying that there aren't other programs out there that are good, but this is one of my favorites right now.
The Bottom Line
To sum it all up, cash gifting programs do work. Do they work for everyone? They can, the problem is usually everyone do not work the program or take the time to learn how to market, or quit before any real results begin to appear. Making money online programs have a high rate of failure. This is not something unique to cash gifting although you would expect as much if you read all of the things the critics suggest.
What I would do is study all of the information I could get my hands on, maybe include a few other money making programs and try and make the most informed decision I could. If you are not willing to work, or if you truly believe that there is an easy and fast way to create wealth, then I suggest you go somewhere else. Making money online is quite possible. Good cash gifting programs can help you reach your financial goals, but this will not come overnight. There is no such thing as a get-rich-quick program so stop looking for them. If you want to really learn about cash gifting and are seriously interested in getting involved with a program then I suggest you go to The People's Program and learn more.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Cash Gifting Tax
One of the arguments for joining a gifting program is the cash gift tax law. If you will refer to IRS Publication 950, the IRS pretty much spells out what is exempt from the gift tax and estate tax and this includes gifting money from one individual to another.
Publication 950 also talks about the parties that are exempting to the gift tax. These are both the person giving the gift and the individual that receives the gift. This includes money gifting up to an annual limit of $13,000.00. (The amount of the exemption went from $12,000 to $13,000 in 2009)
As far as what a person should do that is already involved in the gifting activity, you should talk to a tax professional, either a certified public accountant or an attorney specializing in tax law. Personally, I decided to pay taxes on my profits a long time ago and continue to do so. This is no big deal to me as I am fairly used to doing it for my other business activities already, but I am a bit concerned that someone getting involved with cash gifting thinks because it is a gift, under $13,000 per year, that everything is exempted from taxes.
The rule of thumb here may be the way that you promote the cash gifting activity. Now, if you give your gift freely and without any expectation of receiving any gifts, then sure, anything you may receive is exempted. However, if you are promoting a gifting program in a similar fashion as anyone promoting any type of online money-making activity, then I would have to say that maybe you are going to have a tax liability at the end of the year and you should probably prepare yourself to pay your taxes. Yes, I can't stand what "they" do with the money in D.C. either.
In the end, if you are unsure of how to proceed, I would still confer with your CPA or Attorney. Cash gifting is a phenomenal activity that can really change your life, but if you are not doing things legally or ethically, well, it's sort of hard to spend any profits, be they gifts received or money from a business venture, in the cross bar hotel.
Publication 950 also talks about the parties that are exempting to the gift tax. These are both the person giving the gift and the individual that receives the gift. This includes money gifting up to an annual limit of $13,000.00. (The amount of the exemption went from $12,000 to $13,000 in 2009)
As far as what a person should do that is already involved in the gifting activity, you should talk to a tax professional, either a certified public accountant or an attorney specializing in tax law. Personally, I decided to pay taxes on my profits a long time ago and continue to do so. This is no big deal to me as I am fairly used to doing it for my other business activities already, but I am a bit concerned that someone getting involved with cash gifting thinks because it is a gift, under $13,000 per year, that everything is exempted from taxes.
The rule of thumb here may be the way that you promote the cash gifting activity. Now, if you give your gift freely and without any expectation of receiving any gifts, then sure, anything you may receive is exempted. However, if you are promoting a gifting program in a similar fashion as anyone promoting any type of online money-making activity, then I would have to say that maybe you are going to have a tax liability at the end of the year and you should probably prepare yourself to pay your taxes. Yes, I can't stand what "they" do with the money in D.C. either.
In the end, if you are unsure of how to proceed, I would still confer with your CPA or Attorney. Cash gifting is a phenomenal activity that can really change your life, but if you are not doing things legally or ethically, well, it's sort of hard to spend any profits, be they gifts received or money from a business venture, in the cross bar hotel.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Marketing Cash Gifting
Promoting or marketing cash gifting programs or websites is just as easy, or difficult depending on your skill level, as promoting any other type of online money making program.
Article marketing is still one of the best ways to get your program out there and to have your voice heard. Plus the backlinks that an article directory can provide you is always valuable. However, some people always complain about not being able to write, or don't know where to start.
First, start at the beginning. Sounds easy enough. Figure out exactly what you want to write about. Those of you on my team know where to do this, those of you that are not, well... Anyway, once you figure out what you are going to write about, make an outline. Plan out how you are going to address the different topics that you are interested in.
Second, do your research. You need to take your topics and sub-topics one by one and put them in Google search and read some of the existing articles. This will give you some ideas and a good base point to start with your own article.
Use these quick tips to start writing articles. It's not as hard as it may sound and the more you do it, the easier it is. Make it a habit and remember, Success is a Choice.
Article marketing is still one of the best ways to get your program out there and to have your voice heard. Plus the backlinks that an article directory can provide you is always valuable. However, some people always complain about not being able to write, or don't know where to start.
First, start at the beginning. Sounds easy enough. Figure out exactly what you want to write about. Those of you on my team know where to do this, those of you that are not, well... Anyway, once you figure out what you are going to write about, make an outline. Plan out how you are going to address the different topics that you are interested in.
Second, do your research. You need to take your topics and sub-topics one by one and put them in Google search and read some of the existing articles. This will give you some ideas and a good base point to start with your own article.
Use these quick tips to start writing articles. It's not as hard as it may sound and the more you do it, the easier it is. Make it a habit and remember, Success is a Choice.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Legit Cash Gifting Website
As you know, I promote cash gifting in a big way. I like the opportunity as long as it is promoted properly and I can not stand those that do it any other way.
Legitimate cash gifting websites promote the cash gifting properly. They do not promise success or a specified amount of money. I've seen this with a few organizations, not so many now a days, and it isn't only unethical, but it's illegal.
A legitimate website should have a few things in place. These include attractive and informative websites for their members, advertising tools, video training as well as forums so that members can discuss information regarding marketing their opportunities.
The People's Program is one of the systems that I prefer to just about anything else. Check out for further info on the great and profitable activity and legitimate cash gifting system
Legitimate cash gifting websites promote the cash gifting properly. They do not promise success or a specified amount of money. I've seen this with a few organizations, not so many now a days, and it isn't only unethical, but it's illegal.
A legitimate website should have a few things in place. These include attractive and informative websites for their members, advertising tools, video training as well as forums so that members can discuss information regarding marketing their opportunities.
The People's Program is one of the systems that I prefer to just about anything else. Check out for further info on the great and profitable activity and legitimate cash gifting system
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
You Want to Make Money on the Internet?
So, you want to find ways to make money from home online. That's a tall order and as you have probably already found out, there are plenty of people in line out there ready to take your money. Oh boy.
While there are some really good programs out there on learning how to make money online, there are just as many, if not more, that will take your money and run. When I was searching for an online opportunity I looked for mlm network marketing programs, I looked at different Internet marketing opportunities and basically any business from home program I could find. Like you, I saw a lot of glitz and glamour sites promising me the world. The "Make Money Online with Little or no Work" sites will always be out there...and there will always be someone that gets sucked into that type of advertising.
Beautifully crafted sites are great, but I personally don't care about looks as much as I care about content. I like to see programs with information on how to market their info or product(s). There are so many ways to make money from the Internet, but the real key here is how to drive traffic to your site(s). Many think that all you need to do is build your site, put in some keywords that you would think others will type in and viola! you are in the money. Ah...bullsh*t. Learning to properly market your website, including proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques takes time and effort. The Internet is great and fast moving yes, but why would a person come online with the attitude that the business rules that exist offline somehow disappear and don't apply online?
The Internet is a fantastic medium, no doubt, but expecting it to somehow be magically easier and less competitive is idiotic. You must develop a plan of action and work your plan. There are still "rules" and techniques that someone has to learn to make any money. Business is business, online or offline.
You can find out about a real online opportunity at
While there are some really good programs out there on learning how to make money online
Beautifully crafted sites are great, but I personally don't care about looks as much as I care about content. I like to see programs with information on how to market their info or product(s). There are so many ways to make money from the Internet, but the real key here is how to drive traffic to your site(s). Many think that all you need to do is build your site, put in some keywords that you would think others will type in and viola! you are in the money. Ah...bullsh*t. Learning to properly market your website, including proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques takes time and effort. The Internet is great and fast moving yes, but why would a person come online with the attitude that the business rules that exist offline somehow disappear and don't apply online?
The Internet is a fantastic medium, no doubt, but expecting it to somehow be magically easier and less competitive is idiotic. You must develop a plan of action and work your plan. There are still "rules" and techniques that someone has to learn to make any money. Business is business, online or offline.
You can find out about a real online opportunity at
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Gifting Cash and other Scams
I suppose I am old school. I don't like to blame other people for the mistakes that I make, nor do I want to play the victim card either. I try and be responsible for my own decisions and choices and if I make one that turns out not be such a great idea...well, I try and chalk it up to gaining more wisdom, more experience and move on. One thing for sure, I am tired of people doing something as an adult and when things don't work out - and I guarantee you that it is because they don't do the work or don't do it correctly - they want to blame everyone else.
Gifting cash is very popular today, as it has been for quite a few years now. I realize that in some blogging camps it is a popular thing to talk down different cash gifting programs, to talk about how it is illegal to gift cash and how the "Man" will come and throw you in jail.
While I realize that there are unscrupulous types out there in the cash gifting arena, I also realize that there are many unscrupulous types in all business. This does not mean that all businesses and business people are unethical or are trying to take as many people as they can for their life savings. That is a ridiculous claim.
I remember back in the 70's and 80's when Multi-level marketing companies were looming around to take your last dollar. I remember the nay sayers then. I remember how people screamed that Amway was just a bunch of jerks trying to get into grandma's pocket book and yet, today almost every MLM that is out there is in some way or another modeled after Amway. The same thing goes for franchises and yet, many people today would think of that as a safe business opportunity, even though entrepreneurs still fail at these "safe bets."
Internet scams do exist and they will exist tomorrow as well, but not all work from home opportunities are evil. Cash gifting is not evil, although some are not marketed properly and I will admit, it only takes one bad apple to make the whole tree look rotten.
Before you decide that anything is a scam, you may want to do your own research and come up with an answer on your own. Have you ever noticed that most people criticizing gifting programs are peddling something of their own? Wonder what the success rates are for those businesses? Probably the same as money gifting opportunities, MLM's, franchises and other "evil" business opportunities.
For more information, check out
Internet Marketing for Dummies
Social Media Marketing For Dummies
Cash Gifting In's and Out's.A Modern Approach to an Age Old Activity.
Gifting cash is very popular today, as it has been for quite a few years now. I realize that in some blogging camps it is a popular thing to talk down different cash gifting programs, to talk about how it is illegal to gift cash and how the "Man" will come and throw you in jail.
While I realize that there are unscrupulous types out there in the cash gifting arena, I also realize that there are many unscrupulous types in all business. This does not mean that all businesses and business people are unethical or are trying to take as many people as they can for their life savings. That is a ridiculous claim.
I remember back in the 70's and 80's when Multi-level marketing companies were looming around to take your last dollar. I remember the nay sayers then. I remember how people screamed that Amway was just a bunch of jerks trying to get into grandma's pocket book and yet, today almost every MLM that is out there is in some way or another modeled after Amway. The same thing goes for franchises and yet, many people today would think of that as a safe business opportunity, even though entrepreneurs still fail at these "safe bets."
Internet scams do exist and they will exist tomorrow as well, but not all work from home opportunities are evil. Cash gifting is not evil, although some are not marketed properly and I will admit, it only takes one bad apple to make the whole tree look rotten.
Before you decide that anything is a scam, you may want to do your own research and come up with an answer on your own. Have you ever noticed that most people criticizing gifting programs are peddling something of their own? Wonder what the success rates are for those businesses? Probably the same as money gifting opportunities, MLM's, franchises and other "evil" business opportunities.
For more information, check out
Internet Marketing for Dummies
cash gifting,
gifting cash,
internet marketing,
work from home
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Something for Nothing
Why is it that people believe that they are going to get huge results without putting in any time and effort? I don't care what activity you are involved with whether it be cash gifting or selling cosmetics, some folks just think they have to join something, throw up a website and they are done.
To most of us involved in marketing online, this is a rediculous concept. I don't know where some of these people come from, but I would like to know on what planet all you have to do is get involved in some activity at the entry level and within a week you are at the top. Common sense once again shows us how uncommon it really is.
To most of us involved in marketing online, this is a rediculous concept. I don't know where some of these people come from, but I would like to know on what planet all you have to do is get involved in some activity at the entry level and within a week you are at the top. Common sense once again shows us how uncommon it really is.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Cash gifting awareness
Cash Gifting Dreams
Unless you live under a rock, you've probably heard of Cash Gifting and the many different programs that are promoting this activity. Love it or hate it, cash gifting and cash gifting opportunities are probably going to be around for quite some time. I have thought about this activity for some time now, performed exhaustive research on programs and I have come to a few conclusions.
Adults Only Please
One of the biggest complaints or problems that I have noticed is that cash gifting is an illegal activity. This is not entirely true. Cash gifting is legal. The problem is the way the different programs are marketed. Cash gifting is a voluntary "activity" not an "income opportunity." This is where a lot of folks are just getting it wrong and it's understandable about how this is occurring. While most programs explain that this is an activity and not a business, they go right ahead and give testimonials or some other "positive" selling points and tactics like any other get-rich-quick scams that have always floated around the Internet. While this approach works short term, in the long run it doesn't pan out for most.
Now, while I would agree that the aggressive marketing techniques that some programs employ shouldn't be allowed, I also think that if you are over the age of 18 and are generally/legally considered an adult then you shouldn't whine when you attempt to spend your way to fantasy land. Come on folks, do we really need another law out there protecting those that just really aren't into research? Do we really need some government poster boy telling you that you can not participate in a program that you enter into with your eyes wide open? Why do we need to continue to "protect" people from themselves?
Can cash gifting work?
Can it work? Of course it can. Geez, look at all of the websites, videos, blogs and articles promoting such. You don't do that with the pet rock. However, if you are going to join one of these programs, you must realize that just because you participate in gifting to someone it doesn't mean that you are going to automatically receive gifts in the future. This activity, while not an income/business opportunity, should be promoted like one. I say this in terms of any type of Internet marketing process. If you have a product, service or are just promoting information, you must employ the same successful marketing techniques that you would if you were selling widgets.
Internet marketing is not learned overnight, although it can be learned. To shorten that process, many promoters of cash gifting are showing people exactly how to start a website, or use a ready made site, and how to market that site. This information alone is worth a lot of money. Once you master some of the basic techniques, this information can be used in other money making opportunities...and how much could that be worth?
In conclusion...
Is cash gifting an opportunity? Yes, but not to be considered an income making opportunity. With that said, I believe in reaping what you sow. I believe in karma and the law of attraction. I believe in cash gifting activities as long as they are done properly. My best advice is to investigate. Do your own due diligence. After all, you could turn your mailbox into a money magnet!
Check out for more information.Cash Gifting In's and Out's.A Modern Approach to an Age Old Activity.
Unless you live under a rock, you've probably heard of Cash Gifting and the many different programs that are promoting this activity. Love it or hate it, cash gifting and cash gifting opportunities are probably going to be around for quite some time. I have thought about this activity for some time now, performed exhaustive research on programs and I have come to a few conclusions.
Adults Only Please
One of the biggest complaints or problems that I have noticed is that cash gifting is an illegal activity. This is not entirely true. Cash gifting is legal. The problem is the way the different programs are marketed. Cash gifting is a voluntary "activity" not an "income opportunity." This is where a lot of folks are just getting it wrong and it's understandable about how this is occurring. While most programs explain that this is an activity and not a business, they go right ahead and give testimonials or some other "positive" selling points and tactics like any other get-rich-quick scams that have always floated around the Internet. While this approach works short term, in the long run it doesn't pan out for most.
Now, while I would agree that the aggressive marketing techniques that some programs employ shouldn't be allowed, I also think that if you are over the age of 18 and are generally/legally considered an adult then you shouldn't whine when you attempt to spend your way to fantasy land. Come on folks, do we really need another law out there protecting those that just really aren't into research? Do we really need some government poster boy telling you that you can not participate in a program that you enter into with your eyes wide open? Why do we need to continue to "protect" people from themselves?
Can cash gifting work?
Can it work? Of course it can. Geez, look at all of the websites, videos, blogs and articles promoting such. You don't do that with the pet rock. However, if you are going to join one of these programs, you must realize that just because you participate in gifting to someone it doesn't mean that you are going to automatically receive gifts in the future. This activity, while not an income/business opportunity, should be promoted like one. I say this in terms of any type of Internet marketing process. If you have a product, service or are just promoting information, you must employ the same successful marketing techniques that you would if you were selling widgets.
Internet marketing is not learned overnight, although it can be learned. To shorten that process, many promoters of cash gifting are showing people exactly how to start a website, or use a ready made site, and how to market that site. This information alone is worth a lot of money. Once you master some of the basic techniques, this information can be used in other money making opportunities...and how much could that be worth?
In conclusion...
Is cash gifting an opportunity? Yes, but not to be considered an income making opportunity. With that said, I believe in reaping what you sow. I believe in karma and the law of attraction. I believe in cash gifting activities as long as they are done properly. My best advice is to investigate. Do your own due diligence. After all, you could turn your mailbox into a money magnet!
Check out for more information.Cash Gifting In's and Out's.A Modern Approach to an Age Old Activity.
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